Boomwhackers 5-Note Chromatic Chroma-Notes Hand Bells

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Boomwhackers 5-Note Chromatic Chroma-Notes Hand Bells

Brand: Boomwhackers

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £80.00 - £80.00 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

The Boomwhackers 5 Note Chromatic Chroma Notes Hand Bells bring music within anyones reach. This set includes five bells covering the chromatic notes of a C major scale or the black notes of a piano. When added to the Boomwhackers Diatonic Hand Bells set all 13 notes are present massively expanding the...

The Boomwhackers 5 Note Chromatic Chroma Notes Hand Bells bring music within anyones reach. This set includes five bells covering the chromatic notes of a C major scale or the black notes of a piano. When added to the Boomwhackers Diatonic Hand Bells set all 13 notes are present massively expanding the possibilities for games exercises and performances. Alternatively this set can be used on its own as a pleasant sounding F# pentatonic scale. Boomwhackers hand bells are durable easy to play instruments simply hold the bells and shake to produce a bright ringing sound. Proving incredibly popular in music education all over the world as well as in music therapy programmes and team building exercises the Boomwhackers range offer the joy of music to everybody. A must have in the toolbox of any primary educator these instruments make for great group exercises whilst teaching about rhythm pitch and movement....Read More...»»

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  • The Boomwhackers 5 Note Chromatic Chroma Notes Hand Bells bring music within anyones reach. This set includes five bells covering the chromatic notes of a C major scale or the black notes of a piano. When added to the Boomwhackers Diatonic Hand Bells set all 13 notes are present massively expanding the possibilities for games exercises and performances. Alternatively this set can be used on its own as a pleasant sounding F# pentatonic scale. Boomwhackers hand bells are durable easy to play instruments simply hold the bells and shake to produce a bright ringing sound. Proving incredibly popular in music education all over the world as well as in music therapy programmes and team building exercises the Boomwhackers range offer the joy of music to everybody. A must have in the toolbox of any primary educator these instruments make for great group exercises whilst teaching about rhythm pitch and movement.....from Gear4Music
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