Tama HP30 Stagemaster Power Glide Single Pedal

Tama HP30 Stagemaster Power Glide Single Pedal

Brand: Tama

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £53.30 - £53.30 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

The HP30 Stagemaster brings together value and functionality into one affordable package. Featuring the same offset cam design as the Iron Cobra Power Glide pedals the HP30 offers increased power and speed as the beater reaches the end of the stroke. You can easily adjust the angle of the beater head...

The HP30 Stagemaster brings together value and functionality into one affordable package. Featuring the same offset cam design as the Iron Cobra Power Glide pedals the HP30 offers increased power and speed as the beater reaches the end of the stroke. You can easily adjust the angle of the beater head to suit your own preferences which is a rare feature in this price range. Rotate the beater head to achieve two different kinds of sound. On one side the felt head provides a soft and more rounded thud switch it around and you have the punchier attack of the plastic head....Read More...»»

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  • The HP30 Stagemaster brings together value and functionality into one affordable package. Featuring the same offset cam design as the Iron Cobra Power Glide pedals the HP30 offers increased power and speed as the beater reaches the end of the stroke. You can easily adjust the angle of the beater head to suit your own preferences which is a rare feature in this price range. Rotate the beater head to achieve two different kinds of sound. On one side the felt head provides a soft and more rounded thud switch it around and you have the punchier attack of the plastic head.....from Gear4Music
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