CME U6MIDI Pro USB MIDI Interface with Filter

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CME U6MIDI Pro USB MIDI Interface with Filter

Brand: CME

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £49.99 - £49.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

The CME U6MIDI Pro USB MIDI Interface with Filter is a 3 in3 out advanced MIDI interface that can be configured in multiple ways splitthru merge filter with high speed and ultra accurate transmission at four times the speed of conventional interfaces. Equipped with a high speed optocoupler the U6MIDI...

The CME U6MIDI Pro USB MIDI Interface with Filter is a 3 in3 out advanced MIDI interface that can be configured in multiple ways splitthru merge filter with high speed and ultra accurate transmission at four times the speed of conventional interfaces. Equipped with a high speed optocoupler the U6MIDI Pro provides seamless synchronisation of all your MIDI devices via a secure and error free MDI data input. Designed to provide an exact transfer of all MIDI messages clock sysex MTC and MPE; the U6MIDI Pro delivers superior performance compared to standard MIDI interfaces. What sets it apart from most is the inclusion of the UxMIDI tools software that allows you to customise your routing and filtering options with advanced control. The unit features a USB C connection that powers the U6MIDI Pro via a USB charger power bank or USB hub. It also includes six LED lights for instant visual feedback of your connectivity status and more....Read More...»»

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  • The CME U6MIDI Pro USB MIDI Interface with Filter is a 3 in3 out advanced MIDI interface that can be configured in multiple ways splitthru merge filter with high speed and ultra accurate transmission at four times the speed of conventional interfaces. Equipped with a high speed optocoupler the U6MIDI Pro provides seamless synchronisation of all your MIDI devices via a secure and error free MDI data input. Designed to provide an exact transfer of all MIDI messages clock sysex MTC and MPE; the U6MIDI Pro delivers superior performance compared to standard MIDI interfaces. What sets it apart from most is the inclusion of the UxMIDI tools software that allows you to customise your routing and filtering options with advanced control. The unit features a USB C connection that powers the U6MIDI Pro via a USB charger power bank or USB hub. It also includes six LED lights for instant visual feedback of your connectivity status and more.....from Gear4Music
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