Adam Hall 19 EU Power Strip 16 Sockets

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Adam Hall 19 EU Power Strip 16 Sockets

Brand: Adam Hall

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £79.00 - £79.00 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

The Adam Hall 19 EU Power Strip is a professional quality power strip with nine outputs to ensure ample power distribution in any 19 rack set up. The power strip fits conveniently into 1U of standard 19 rack space. The power strip features overload protection ensuring the safety of your other equipment....

The Adam Hall 19 EU Power Strip is a professional quality power strip with nine outputs to ensure ample power distribution in any 19 rack set up. The power strip fits conveniently into 1U of standard 19 rack space. The power strip features overload protection ensuring the safety of your other equipment. The on off switches illuminate brightly so you can easily find and access them even when it is concealed behind other rack units. The front and rear connectors can be controlled separately ensuring you dont waste any power when one of the sides is not required....Read More...»»

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  • The Adam Hall 19 EU Power Strip is a professional quality power strip with nine outputs to ensure ample power distribution in any 19 rack set up. The power strip fits conveniently into 1U of standard 19 rack space. The power strip features overload protection ensuring the safety of your other equipment. The on off switches illuminate brightly so you can easily find and access them even when it is concealed behind other rack units. The front and rear connectors can be controlled separately ensuring you dont waste any power when one of the sides is not required.....from Gear4Music
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