The Doepfer A 132 3 Dual LinearExponential VCA module is a simplistic unit featuring two identical VCAs each with their own CV input and manual gain control. Each VCA can be switched between linear or exponential control scale characters whilst all of the inputsouts are DC coupled. The A 132 3 can be used with both control voltages and audio signals. The input of each VCA does not feature an attenuator but is able to process up to 16Vs signals without distortion. This simple module provides you with exceptional VCA capabilities in a compact and versatile format with an intuitive user interface....Read More...»»
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Compare prices for Doepfer A-132-3 Dual Linear/Exponential VCA (8HP) - Buy Doepfer A-132-3 Dual Linear/Exponential VCA (8HP) prices checked on January 11, 2025