Olympic Medium Timp Tom

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Olympic Medium Timp Tom

Brand: Olympic

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £32.99 - £32.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

The Olympic Medium Timp Tom is considered an exceptional enhancement to any classroom or group scenario. It is recommended that these timp toms be used in harmony with other timp toms tubanos bongos or hand drums. With a depth less than the standard these timp toms are designed to produce a higher pitched...

The Olympic Medium Timp Tom is considered an exceptional enhancement to any classroom or group scenario. It is recommended that these timp toms be used in harmony with other timp toms tubanos bongos or hand drums. With a depth less than the standard these timp toms are designed to produce a higher pitched sound accompanied by shorter resonance. A single head is incorporated into the timp toms design leading to a further reduction in the drums resonance perfect for faster play or adding accentuation....Read More...»»

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  • The Olympic Medium Timp Tom is considered an exceptional enhancement to any classroom or group scenario. It is recommended that these timp toms be used in harmony with other timp toms tubanos bongos or hand drums. With a depth less than the standard these timp toms are designed to produce a higher pitched sound accompanied by shorter resonance. A single head is incorporated into the timp toms design leading to a further reduction in the drums resonance perfect for faster play or adding accentuation.....from Gear4Music
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