Student Clarinet Complete Beginner Pack by Gear4music

Student Clarinet Complete Beginner Pack by Gear4music

Brand: Gear4Music

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £119.99 - £119.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

The Gear4music Student Clarinet is a reliable durable and affordable instrument ideal for beginners and students. The clarinet has a smooth tone with an easy blowing response ideal for those developing their technique. The durable resin body is built to withstand regular practice and transport to and...

The Gear4music Student Clarinet is a reliable durable and affordable instrument ideal for beginners and students. The clarinet has a smooth tone with an easy blowing response ideal for those developing their technique. The durable resin body is built to withstand regular practice and transport to and from lessons. A case reed and cleaning tools are included providing everything you need to get started straight away. The Student Clarinet Complete Beginner Pack by Gear4music comes a with carry case music stand spare reeds reed guard cleaning cloth and cork grease ensuring maximum value for the aspiring player....Read More...»»

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  • The Gear4music Student Clarinet is a reliable durable and affordable instrument ideal for beginners and students. The clarinet has a smooth tone with an easy blowing response ideal for those developing their technique. The durable resin body is built to withstand regular practice and transport to and from lessons. A case reed and cleaning tools are included providing everything you need to get started straight away. The Student Clarinet Complete Beginner Pack by Gear4music comes a with carry case music stand spare reeds reed guard cleaning cloth and cork grease ensuring maximum value for the aspiring player.....from Gear4Music
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