Student Left Handed Electro Acoustic Guitar by Gear4music Black

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Student Left Handed Electro Acoustic Guitar by Gear4music Black

Brand: Gear4Music

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £69.99 - £69.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

The Student Left Handed Electro Acoustic Guitar by Gear4music Black is a full sized sunburst electro acoustic guitar which provides a comfortable playing experience ideal for budding left handed guitarists. The guitar arrives ready to play straight from the box having already been strung and set up as...

The Student Left Handed Electro Acoustic Guitar by Gear4music Black is a full sized sunburst electro acoustic guitar which provides a comfortable playing experience ideal for budding left handed guitarists. The guitar arrives ready to play straight from the box having already been strung and set up as standard all thats required is a quick tune up! With a classic body shape and basswood construction offering a rich and resonant sound this guitar offers a perfect platform for building confidence meaning youll be strumming chords and picking out melodies in no time. The guitars in built pre amp allows you to easily plug in to a PA amp or audio interface expanding your options to let you easily record or amplify your acoustic guitar. Simply plug in via the 6.35mm Jack output conveniently placed on the side of the guitars body....Read More...»»

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  • The Student Left Handed Electro Acoustic Guitar by Gear4music Black is a full sized sunburst electro acoustic guitar which provides a comfortable playing experience ideal for budding left handed guitarists. The guitar arrives ready to play straight from the box having already been strung and set up as standard all thats required is a quick tune up! With a classic body shape and basswood construction offering a rich and resonant sound this guitar offers a perfect platform for building confidence meaning youll be strumming chords and picking out melodies in no time. The guitars in built pre amp allows you to easily plug in to a PA amp or audio interface expanding your options to let you easily record or amplify your acoustic guitar. Simply plug in via the 6.35mm Jack output conveniently placed on the side of the guitars body.....from Gear4Music
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