Planet Waves Varigrip Adjustable Hand Exerciser

Planet Waves Varigrip Adjustable Hand Exerciser

Brand: Planet Waves

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £18.99 - £18.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

Designed to develop and maintain the strength and dexterity of your fingers hands and forearms the Planet Waves Varigrip features an ergonomic design and variable tension that is customizable for each individual finger. The reversible molded grip even uncovers simulated strings to help develop and maintain...

Designed to develop and maintain the strength and dexterity of your fingers hands and forearms the Planet Waves Varigrip features an ergonomic design and variable tension that is customizable for each individual finger. The reversible molded grip even uncovers simulated strings to help develop and maintain finger calluses when you are away from your instrument. Planet Waves Varigrip the ultimate conditioning tool for musicians....Read More...»»

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  • Designed to develop and maintain the strength and dexterity of your fingers hands and forearms the Planet Waves Varigrip features an ergonomic design and variable tension that is customizable for each individual finger. The reversible molded grip even uncovers simulated strings to help develop and maintain finger calluses when you are away from your instrument. Planet Waves Varigrip the ultimate conditioning tool for musicians.....from Gear4Music
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